Breaking down the first 100 days of ‘Cruising’
Most people that are ‘out there’ sailing and cruising will tell you ‘Cruising is repairing your boat in exotic, or not so …
Most people that are ‘out there’ sailing and cruising will tell you ‘Cruising is repairing your boat in exotic, or not so …
before we head back to Denia to drop our guests off on the Spanish mainland this post was written by one of …
Preparing to go on a life changing adventure is so much fun, fun, fun! Hashtag thegoodlife, hashtag blessed, hashtag …. whoareyoukidding? Here’s …
As everyone knows we’re off on our ‘little trip’ with Sv Blue Pearl And this week I listed my Harley for sale …
Yesterday I cried after seeing Robin yelling out in a fit of panic before getting her shots, temporarily questioning in that moment …
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! There is a strange sense of melancholy in realising this is going to be our last Christmas …
Our first ever sail through the night was in late April of this year in Portugal, when we sailed from Sines to …
When we started getting into sailing we started watching youtube videos in the hopes of learning how to sail. There were …
It has been a couple of weeks since our shakedown cruise. What did I take away from this? What would I do …
Well…. we are most definitely not normal. But then again, nobody is normal. A normal person doesn’t exist in the same way …