Dancing with Gaia
Dancing with Gaia
Cruising maybe is like dancing
and there are so many ways to do it
It makes little sense to judge a ballerina on their hip hop skills
or a line dancer for their ability to freestyle
For me, I think, sailing is like a tango
Slow, quick, quick, slow
Slow, quick, quick, slow
all the while following the lead
of Gaia
The seasons
The wind
The weather
The waves
Dancing under the stars
Dancing over the seas
Getting from one place to the other
Not in a clean, straight line
But there is a pattern
Slow, quick, quick, slow
Slow, quick, quick, slow
You need to learn and plan the steps when setting foot on the dance floor
but once you’re there, you’ve got to stop overthinking
You’ve got to feel it instead
Go with the flow, be in the moment
And listen to the music, whatever style it may be
For me, the music is in the beauty of nature
in the people we meet
in the lives they live
in the foods we try
in the conversations we have
in the connections we make
and music is meaningless without silence between the notes.
Slow, quick, quick, slow
Slow, quick, quick, slow
Every place a new song
The dance goes on
Go out there and find your music.