Palma, Mallorca
Two days ago we left Ibiza at 8 am. Ten hours later we moored at a buoy in Porto Andratx, Mallorca. I think this might have been one of the most relaxing passages we’ve done so far. Calm seas, 10-12 knots of wind, comfortable broad reach, steady pace, no seasickness and we even spotted a couple of dolphins behind a fishing trawler!

When we were in Denia I made use of the wifi there and researched markets in Mallorca. On my list: market on Wednesday in Andratx, a few kilometers away!
So the next morning we saved ourselves a 5+ km walk up the mountain and took a bus to town instead, visiting the market there. It took a while to weed through the dozens of clothes- and fake leather vendors but we eventually found a stall run by a local orchard owner. There we bought carrots, onions, apples, apricots and peaches.
At another stall we bought 1 kilo of amazing looking strawberries. After a leisurely lunch we took a quick walk up to the church, a playground and back to the bus station.
After dinner that night we had the best dessert imaginable. Yes, the four of us polished the entire bag of strawberries!
Just when we wanted to put the girls to bed, Rene heard live music from ashore that had to be checked out.
We took the dinghy and anchored right in front of the café where two musicians played sitting on the balcony.

And now we are in Palma. We anchored right in front of the cathedral earlier today but only stayed there to have lunch. A bit all too exposed to the swell to stay the night and no place to land the dinghy, but, for a little over an hour, we did have the best view.

Now we are in one of the marinas for one night and we’re making the most of it. While Rene took the girls to visit a chandler to buy lines for our parasailor, I hosed down Blue Pearl. Three weeks of grime, salt and desert dust are once again washed off. Always such a wonderful feeling!
And we have wifi (download alllll the things!) and got word you can actually see us on a webcam, haha!
If you like to check us out, visit
We are the blue boat with four white fenders on the side in the (almost) top left corner.
If you are quick, you MIGHT just see me wave on deck 😉