waves and departure planning
even though the wind looks pretty good for the next few days the waves, and more importantly the wave direction, are not quite what we like them to be
waves from the back , great . big waves from the back , still ok . But small irritating waves that make the boat rock sideways like a metronome for 3 days ?.. not our idea of a comfortable sail
so we decided to sit tight for now and wait for the waves to ‘normalize’ and turn a bit so we have them with us from behind with the wind , not coming from the side (the little black arrows are the wave direction)
We will post a video as well, how we prepare our crossing(s) looking at waves, wind , which route to follow etc , the ‘black magic explained’ 🙂 so keep an eye on it
At least it will give us a few more days to prepare , visit a few places and relax !