Giving away our lights , and getting new ones . Thank you Mpowerd !

The day before Yesterday we gave away our last ‘lucilight’ (inflatable solar charged led light) to a local fisherman
The very friendly person lives on shore in a hut without running water or electricity and paddles (on an old surf board) out each day to catch a few fishies to feed himself and family . Whatever surplus he catches he tries to sell to visiting boats

he came by early in the morning as he unexpectedly lost his lead (used to keep the bait down on the bottom) and was paddling back to shore to get new lead . I bought ‘the catch of the day’ (3 euro) gave him some new lead and 100m of fishing line

Talking to him he explained and showed how and where he lives and showed me the ‘lamp’ that ‘the family room’ uses , the thing uses 4 double A penlights which will light the room for 2 evenings before they run out! just imagine the costs of batteries

So we gave him one of our last lucilights to at least have some lighting for him and his family when the sun goes down without having to buy new batteries every other day

This got me thinking and searching and I contacted the manufacturer of the lights to see if they are willing to give me a little discount when I buy these to give away. To my astonishment they came back with a so called ‘Impact program’   allowing us to buy these, to give away, for a somewhat friendlier price !

I then reached out to some very dear friends , told them what our plans were and they generously donated some money to add to the buying fund !

I will most likely have them delivered to Bonaire and we will be handing them out to whomever we think needs it while we travel from place to place and country to country. We promise to keep everyone updated and hopefully take some pics and/or video’s when we hand out these lights

if you would also want to spread and shed a little light , help a family , allow a child to study after dark or just feel particularly generous (and make us look good in the process ? ) my paypal will gladly receive anonymous donations and we will keep handing out a few lamps here and there. We cannot promise any earth shattering changes or exposure (we’re not Delos or Vagabonde 😉 but plenty of good karma will come your way 😉

Paypal : , just say ‘shed a little light’ or something

ps , We are not looking for ‘donations’ , we are going to purchase these lights to hand out anyway

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